Maranatha Student Care Fund


Maranatha Christian University intends to be a university that sets an example in higher education and gives hope to the nation and state. As it is stated in the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan Summary, it is necessary to carry out governance related to receiving funds from the government, industry, alumni and the community regarding scholarships, tuition assistance and loans through the Maranatha Student Care Fund program scheme.


In principle, Maranatha Christian University seeks to open up more opportunities for the children of the nation who are serious about opening up opportunities to improve their standard of living through higher education which is constrained by funding. The purpose of this program is so that students who have financial difficulties do not drop out of college, can complete their education on time, and learn to be independent in utilizing assistance from external parties whose accountability is assisted through financial reports issued by the university.


Moreover, donors from the Educator Staff, Education Staff, Maranatha Christian University Alumni and Maranatha Christian University external parties/institutions can be assured in helping students in need because the management is carried out transparently for all parties involved.


Berikut ini merupakan langkah-langkah untuk mengajukan MSCF:

  1. Mahasiswa mengisi form dan mengupload berkas pengajuan, softfile dikirimkan ke email [email protected]
  2. Proses wawancara oleh Pimpinan
  3. Menunggu proses persetujuan oleh Pimpinan
  4. Proses tanda tangan surat perjanjian oleh Mahasiswa dan Orangtua
  5. Menunggu kelengkapan berkas penandatanganan oleh Pimpinan
  6. Proses pemotongan tagihan
  7. Membayar cicilan ke rekening MSCF sesuai dengan kesepakatan
  8. Melaporkan bukti pembayaran cicilan ke Staff DKA bidang MSCF


– Mahasiswa yang mengajukan MSCF wajib untuk bersedia Magang di mana ditempatkan (saat dibutuhkan)
– Maksimal pengajuan untuk biaya kuliah selama 2 semester
– Pengajuan maksimal 14 hari kerja


 MSCF Brochure Download



Informasi Selengkapnya Mengenai MSCF:

Directorate of Student and Alumni Affairs
Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Gedung Direktorat Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni, Lantai 2
Jl. Prof. drg. Surya Sumantri No. 65
Bandung – 40164, West Java, Indonesia
Telp. : 022-2012 186, 200 3450, ext. 7315
WA : 0823-1613-7217
E-mail : [email protected]


Informasi terupdate mengenai beasiswa:
IG : @dka.maranatha