Master Program in Profession Psychology

The need for a psychologist profession in people's lives became the main driving force for Maranatha Christian University to open Master Program in Profession Psychology in 2002, which produces graduates from the profession of psychologists with Masters in Psychology.

The Program has obtained an operating permit with the issuance of letter number: 930/D/T/2003 from the Ministry of National Education – Directorate General of Higher Education dated 7 May 2003. This permit was strengthened by the signing of a charter of cooperation in education administration between the Chancellor of Maranatha Christian University and the Central Board of the Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI) on May 7, 2005. With this permit, the Program, BKU Masters of Professional Psychology in the 2003/2004 academic year began to accept students.

In accordance with a joint decision of the Association of Indonesian Psychological Higher Education Providers (AP2TPI), in 2013 the name of the professional psychology master program was determined to be the Master Program in Profession Psychology at the master's level.


Become Master Program in Profession Psychology that excels in producing psychologists who have the character of integrity, care for others and excellent competence, to improve the quality of human life as a whole in accordance with the psychological code of ethics based on the love and example of Jesus Christ.


  1. Organizing the education of the Master Program in Profession Psychology at the Masters level to produce graduates who have character with integrity, care for others and excellent competence in conducting assessments, diagnoses, and psychological interventions for prevention, treatment, and development of the quality of human life as a whole and contextually.
  2. Produce scientific publications that meet national and international standards in the form of studies and research in the field of psychology that are relevant and contextual to people's lives for the purpose of prevention, treatment, and development of the whole quality of human life.
  3. Organizing community service which is the application of assessment skills, diagnosis, and psychological intervention, with the aim of improving the quality of human life as a whole and contextually.
  4. Develop the competence of professional educators and education personnel in the context of providing superior professional psychology education at the master's level.


In accordance with the guidelines of the Indonesian psychological code of ethics which regulates the limits of competence for psychological scientists and psychologists, graduates of the Master Program in Profession Psychology are expected to have competencies that include providing psychological services (graduates of the Master's Program in Professional Psychology); services and practice of psychology (for psychologists/graduates of the Master Program in Profession Psychology)


  1. Produce psychologists who have competence in the context of assessment, diagnosis, and psychological intervention in accordance with their respective major fields.
  2. To produce psychologists who are able to conduct intervention research in their respective major fields to improve the quality of life of the community.
  3. To produce psychologists who understand and apply the psychological code of ethics in education, research and the provision of psychological services and practices in accordance with the limits of their competence.
  4. Lecturers and students carry out community service to improve the quality of life of the community.
  5. Have certified educators in the field of intervention and educational staff who have qualifications in the field of administration.

Study Period (Year/Semester)

2.5 Year(s) / 5 Semester(s)

Total Credit (SKS)

50 SKS

Curriculum per Semester


The matriculation program is an introductory program that must be followed by every student of the Program which is intended to help new students to prepare before starting lectures with the aim of equalizing perceptions, refreshing, adjusting and completing. Matriculation lectures are conducted for 2-3 months (July to September) whose implementation is regulated in separate provisions. The contents of the courses of the matriculation program are:

  • Personality theory
  • Developmental theory
  • Psychodynamics
  • Psychodiagnostics; theory and practice in psychological assessment
    (real case data collection and case practice)


The Master Program in Profession Psychology opens four major fields, to meet the needs of the community and education enthusiasts. The four areas are:

  • Industrial & Organizational Psychology
  • Adult Clinical Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology of Children & Adolescents
  • Educational Psychology


Casuistics Lab, Discussion Room, Intervention Lab, Lecturer Room, Materials Lab, Central Library, etc

Profile of Graduates

Graduates of the Master Program in Profession Psychology hold Masters in Psychology (M.Psi.) and hold the professional title of Psychologist, who has the authority to conduct assessments and interventions. Graduates of this program can also increase their knowledge by participating in certification programs such as graphology, hypnotherapy, counseling, and several certifications to get behavioral therapy brevet.

Graduates of the Program have the authority as psychological scientists and psychologists which include psychological services and practices, namely conducting scientific studies, education and training, consulting, as well as assessment, diagnosis, and psychological intervention that require psychodiagnostic understanding and skills.

A graduate of the Master Program in Profession Psychology can have a professional career as a psychologist, and can continue his education to the doctoral level, either in the field of psychology or in other fields. In addition to working as a psychologist in hospitals, companies, or other institutions, graduates can have careers in various fields, and in various institutions, such as:

  • Researcher
  • Counseling Guidance
  • Human Resources
  • Performance Appraisal and Placement
  • Human Resources Department
  • Psychological Consultant Service Owner
  • Training Department


For more information on how to apply to Postgraduate Program, please click here

Information Service
Study Program Administration; Building GWM 10th Floor, Maranatha Christian University
Jl. Prof. drg. Surya Sumantri, M.P.H. No. 65, Bandung - 40164, West Java
+62 22-201 2186 / 200 3450
(ext. 1330 / 1332)
WA PMB Maranatha: 0811-1215-8999
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