Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine of Maranatha Christian University was established in 1965, along with the establishment of Maranatha Christian University itself. It has a vision to become the provider of the best private doctor education program in Indonesia in the fields of herbal medicine and medical nutrition, by providing medical education according to the development of applied medical science and technology, which upholds the values ​​of love.

The Faculty of Medicine organizes a doctor's education program consisting of two stages of education, namely Bachelor Program in Medicine and Medical Doctor Profession Program, to produce graduates of primary care doctors who are competent, professional, and able to compete at national and international levels.


Information Service
Study Program Administration; Building D, Maranatha Christian University
Jl. Prof. drg. Surya Sumantri, M.P.H. No. 65, Bandung - 40164, West Java
+62 22-201 2186 / 200 3450
(ext. 1105 / 1107 / 1108)
Program Sarjana Kedokteran dan Profesi Dokter UK Maranatha terakreditasi ASIIN

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