
Fakultas Humaniora dan Industri Kreatif

Fakultas Humaniora dan Industri Kreatif Universitas Kristen Maranatha mulai diperkenalkan pada tahun 2024, sebagai penggabungan dari dua fakultas yang telah ada sebelumnya, yaitu Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya, dan Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain.

Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Universitas Kristen Maranatha didirikan pada tahun 1966, sebelumnya bernama Fakultas Sastra. Sedangkan Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain didirikan pada tahun 2004, yang sebelumnya diawali dengan pendirian Maranatha Art & Design Center (MADC) pada tahun 2002. Kedua fakultas bergabung pada tahun 2024 dalam rumpun keilmuan humaniora, menjadi sebuah fakultas yang mengedepankan kreativitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri kreatif masa kini.


5 March 2024

Fakultas Teknologi dan Rekayasa Cerdas

Fakultas Teknologi dan Rekayasa Cerdas adalah penggabungan dari Fakultas Teknik dan Fakultas Teknologi Informasi yang mulai diperkenalkan pada tahun 2024.

Fakultas Teknik adalah salah satu fakultas tertua di Universitas Kristen Maranatha, didirikan pada tahun 1965. Sedangkan Fakultas Teknologi Informasi didirikan pada tahun 2004. Kedua fakultas bergabung pada tahun 2024, mengikuti perkembangan dunia teknologi yang semakin modern dan cerdas.

5 March 2024

Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital

Fakultas Hukum dan Bisnis Digital adalah penggabungan dari Fakultas Hukum dan Fakultas Bisnis yang mulai diperkenalkan pada tahun 2024.

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Maranatha didirikan pada tahun 2009, dan Fakultas Bisnis didirikan pada tahun 1985 (sebelumnya bernama Fakultas Ekonomi). Penggabungan kedua fakultas pada tahun 2024 dilakukan sebagai langkah kemajuan untuk menyesuaikan pembelajaran dengan perkembangan dunia bisnis dan hukum era digital.


5 March 2024

Faculty of Dentistry


The Faculty of Dentistry of Maranatha Christian University is one of the best private dentist education program providers in West Java. The program was established in 2008, and was accredited in 2012.

The Faculty of Dentistry organizes a dental education program consisting of two stages of education, namely Bachelor Program in Dentistry and Dentist Profession Program, to produce professional, skilled, and reliable dentist graduates.


7 April 2017

Faculty of Law

An understanding of business and investment law in Indonesia is very important, because business and investment activities can run well if they are supported by good law; Faculty of Law is here to answer this challenge. The curriculum for the Bachelor of Law Program is designed to specialize in a concentration of business and investment law; basic things that guide the running of business processes and good investments.

The Faculty of Law, Maranatha Christian University has a vision to become an academic community that participates in growing the legal order (which includes the rule of law, legal institutions, and legal culture) that is fair and humane so as to increase the fulfillment of human dignity.


7 April 2017

Faculty of Information Technology

Fakultas Teknologi Informasi diresmikan pada tahun 2005, memiliki visi untuk menjadi fakultas yang berdaya cipta mengembangkan teknologi informasi melalui inovasi penelitian, pendidikan, dan abdimas berdasarkan kasih dan keteladanan Yesus Kristus pada tahun 2030. Fakultas Teknologi Informasi menyelenggarakan tiga program studi dengan jenjang sarjana (S-1) dan magister (S-2), dengan kompetensi dan bidang kajiannya masing-masing.


7 April 2017

Faculty of Arts and Design

The Faculty of Arts and Design (FSRD) of Maranatha Christian University was formed in 2005 after previously operating as an art and design course institution under the name Maranatha Arts and Design Center (MADC) since 2001. Currently, Maranatha Christian University FSRD has one diploma program and three bachelor programs; its vision is to be able to take part globally in the world of art and design education as well as the creative industry by upholding the character of local culture and Christian life values along with an entrepreneurial mindset.


7 April 2017

Faculty of Business

Fakultas Bisnis didirikan pada tahun 1985 (sebelumnya Fakultas Ekonomi). Lulusan Fakultas Bisnis UK Maranatha hingga saat ini telah mencapai lebih dari sembilan ribu alumni, yang bekiprah dalam berbagai sektor.

Fakultas Bisnis UK Maranatha menaungi lima program studi dengan jenjang sarjana (S-1), magister (S-2), dan doktoral (S-3). Fasilitas pembelajaran di Fakultas Bisnis UK Maranatha tidak hanya berupa sarana fisik yang lengkap dan modern, tetapi juga fasilitas pelatihan dan pengembangan diri bekerja sama dengan berbagai institusi ternama nasional dan internasional.

Beberapa fasilitas unggulan antara lain adalah Pojok Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Program CFP (Certified Financial Planner), FLP (Finance Leadership Program), juga sistem informasi fintech (financial technology) Refinitiv.



7 April 2017

Faculty of Languages and Cultures

The challenge of globalization, which is marked by the increasingly open relationship with the global world, must be faced with the readiness of human resources who can communicate in various languages ​​to bridge the needs of the global world. The Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Maranatha Christian University, which was established in 1966, currently houses four programs of diploma (D-III) and bachelor (S-1) programs, organizes language and literature education programs to meet the needs of competent human resources in language and literature that are ready to compete in the global era.


7 April 2017

Faculty of Psychology

The Faculty of Psychology, Maranatha Christian University is the first private psychology faculty in Indonesia, which sees the need for guidance, counseling and psychotherapy in society, both in the clinical, educational, industrial, and social worlds. The emphasis on psychodiagnostic abilities of graduates is a hallmark whose advantages are in great demand by the public. Currently, there is a shift in the handling of community needs from a curative one to a promotive and preventive one, with positive psychology as a reference. Positive psychology views humans positively and has good qualities that can still be developed in family and community life. The positive psychology paradigm was developed starting from undergraduate education to postgraduate education with an emphasis on developing competency-based abilities in accordance with the demands of the development of the world of education in Indonesia.

The Faculty of Psychology at Maranatha Christian University houses three study programs of bachelor (S-1) and master (S-2) programs. Graduates from the bachelor program can continue their studies to postgraduate level at Maranatha Christian University in the Master Program in Profession Psychology, or Master Program in Science Psychology with a specialization in the family field.


7 April 2017